Free Everquest Guides

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How to make platium in Everquest

Making plat in Everquest is actually easier than people think. The best way to make money in Everquest is Bazaar reselling. Using the reselling method i managed to earn over 2 million platinum 1 week after starting on a new server. I started by getting to a high enough level to kill willowisps (sell greater lightstones to vendors or do the lightstone quest in the Oasis) or farm spiderling silks and High Quality Skins to sell to players.

1) Go to the Bazaar

2) Type inn /baz view the bazaar search window.

2) Start browsing through the bazaar. I usually start by choosing 1 hand slashers, then go through all the weapon types. When you see a weapon selling cheaper than all the others of the same type buy it.
There are 3 Windblades for sale. 2 Going for 7000pp and one going for 150pp. Buy the one for 150pp and put it up for sale for 5000-7000pp

3) Buy as much cheap stuff as you can afford. Get some trad satchels from one of the npc merchants in the bazaar, and set up a trader using /trader and simply resell your stuff.

4) When you start making some money, buy more. I try to have the max number of items in my inventory at all time (thats 80 items for sale at all times) and preferrably the bank stacked as well so you can restock fast.

Using this method you can easily make millions in a short amount of time.

--This guide was written a long time ago but is still the way i make plat in Everquest to this day, the total amount of plat made using this method is propably hundreds of millions--

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